


academic culture, elective course, research competence, pharmacy


Actuality. Research skills make pharmacists more competent and multifaceted professionals who can significantly influence the development of pharmaceutical science and practice, as well as improving the general health of the population. Purpose of article: description of the structure and main tasks of the new elective course “Development of research skills” at Department of Analytical, Physical and Colloid Chemistry of Bogomolets National Medical University. Research methods: bibliosemantic analysis, structural-logical analysis, authors’ own experience in scientific cooperation with students. Main material. The elective course “Development of research skills” is offered as an educational component of the third year of study for students in specialty 226 “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy”. The structure of the discipline for full-time students: the total number of hours is 90, of which 10 hours are lectures, 20 hours are practical classes, and 60 hours are independent work. The form of final control is differential credit. Thematic plans of the lectures and practical classes of the new discipline are presented. The purpose of the new discipline is the formation of the academic culture of a student through the prism of observing the principles of scientific ethics, the development of communication skills, the development of the skills of writing scientific texts and critical thinking. Practical skills acquired by students include the ability to summarize and analyze information, to correctly list the sources, to formulate the structural elements of a scientific text, to write theses of a scientific report, to present the results of scientific work, to adhere to the principles of academic integrity in one’s research activities. Conclusions. The study by students of the elective course “Development of research skills” ensures the acquisition of such necessary skills and abilities as the application of scientific standards in the search and use of information for research work, the preparation of high-quality academic works, self-realization in educational and further professional activities from the standpoint of scientific ethics and respect to intellectual property.


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How to Cite

Zaitseva, G., Stuchynska, N., & Pushkarova, Y. (2024). FORMATION OF RESEARCH SKILLS OF FUTURE PHARMACISTS. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 16–19.