


Latin language, anatomical terminology, clinical terminology, pharmaceutical terminology, Latin language term, professional language


The present article deals with the relevance of the use of Latin vocabulary for the formation of highly qualified and competitive specialists in the medical and pharmaceutical fields on the territory of our country, since the Latin language has always been and continues to be an important cultural phenomenon of the modern world. Modern European trends are more focused on the possibility of independent assimilation of educational material by all recipients of the educational process. In view of the urgent need of integrating Ukrainian education into world education, the issue of the importance of the Latin language (as a kind of building material) for professional mastery of terminological vocabulary is becoming more and more urgent. The main attention is paid to the role of skills for optimizing the communication process of specialists in medicine, which includes the conscious and competent application of medical terms of anatomichistological, clinical and pharmaceutical direction, as well as the ability to analyze, form medical terms, distinguish certain frequency segments, competently draw up the Latin part of the prescription. The main aspects of the formation of the terminological vocabulary of three main subsystems of medical terminology are considered. Attention is drawn to the construction of medical terms for comparison and comparison with their Ukrainian counterparts, because understanding the principles of creating this terminological vocabulary makes it possible to clearly remember the terms (and later their appropriate use) with minimal time spent on the study process. The main grammatical models of anatomical, clinical, pharmaceutical terms are analyzed with the aim of their optimal understanding and memorization. The main factors of the effectiveness of the use of the lexical layer of the Latin language in medical terminology in our time are determined.


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How to Cite

Brazhuk, Y., & Drozhevska, A. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LATIN LANGUAGE IN THE SYSTEM OF UKRAINIAN MEDICAL EDUCATION. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 9–15.