


latest information and communication technologies, virtual world, digital technologies, educational software products, foreign language, foreign language competence, intercultural dialogue


The article considered the ways and tools of using the possibilities of the latest technologies of the virtual world for the acquisition of foreign language communicative competence by students in the process of learning a foreign language. Currently, the latest technologies have opened up new opportunities for students of education regarding the additional study of a foreign language, because the virtual world has provided access to: social networks and social media, the IT market, freelancing, online computer games, virtual entertainment, electronic libraries of various genres of literature, film libraries, collections songs, poems, etc., as well as to mass media, personal websites and web pages of teachers, bloggers, public figures (politicians, athletes, cultural figures, etc.). Currently, technical capabilities make it possible to apply the elements mentioned above to the educational process both in the classroom and outside, as direct presence in the language environment accelerates the processes of acquiring relevant competencies in learning foreign languages. It also makes it possible to communicate virtually with speakers of foreign languages, their culture, customs, etc. The use of the latest modern digital and virtual technologies and tools in modern teaching methods is positively perceived by students of higher education, because they are a digital generation for whom the virtual world, social networks, a computer, and mobile terminals are commonplace, and therefore communications on one new mental level between the teacher and the learner bring a good result. Achieving such an effect requires teachers and methodologists to have additional knowledge and skills not only in the field of pedagogy, but also in the computer, software, and digital fields for the possibility of preparing for classes and conducting them at an appropriate new level, namely: preparing presentations, creating and conduct classes online using appropriate digital software tools, freely use gadgets, messengers, virtual educational platforms and educational software products. Therefore, the use of the virtual world for learning foreign languages is not only effective, but also useful both for the learner (acquiring competence in a foreign language) and for the teacher (acquiring competence in working with new gadgets in a new virtual space with digital technologies).


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How to Cite

Skybun, N., & Ismailova, L. (2023). USE OF VIRTUAL WORLD TECHNOLOGIES FOR LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 38–43.