


professionally oriented subject competencies, medical and biological physics, problem-based approach, future doctors.


The goal of the work is to investigate the prospects and influence of the use of professionally oriented tasks on the formation of a complex of professionally oriented subject competencies of future doctors; to develop a model of training technology for the formation of professionally oriented general and special competencies of future doctors based on a problem-based approach. Methodology. The work presents the results of the implementation of the author’s teaching methodology for the formation of a set of professionally oriented subject competencies of future doctors by means of professionally oriented tasks. The acquisitions of scientists and educators in relation to specialist training systems, in which the leading role belongs to the technological approach to the formation of professionally oriented subject and general competences by means of tasks, are analyzed. Scientific novelty. The proposed model of formation of professionally oriented general and special competencies of future doctors based on a problem-based approach. The justified expediency of forming a complex of professionally oriented subject competencies of future doctors by means of tasks. It has been proven that a necessary condition for the formation of competences is the integrity of the system of training future specialists, which is ensured by: creating interdisciplinary connections, balance in time of the sequence of selection of educational material; maintaining continuity in the formation of knowledge and skills; structural provision of an optimal combination of theoretical, empirical and applied application of knowledge and skills; clear and strict structuring of educational material, step-by-step mastering of knowledge. Conclusions. A model of pedagogical technology has been developed for the formation of professionally oriented subject competencies of future doctors based on the problem-based approach of medical and biological physics, which is implemented through the following structural elements: target, procedural-activity, content and reflective-evaluative blocks and organizational-pedagogical conditions. The technological features of the formation of the FSPK complex of competences (integral, special and general competences) by means of medical and biological physics, as well as general criteria for evaluating competences by means of problems, were analyzed. It has been proven that the formation of competences of future doctors by means of professionally oriented tasks can be considered as propaedeutics of elements of clinical thinking. 


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How to Cite

Stuchynska, N., & Novikova, I. (2023). FORMATION OF THE COMPLEX OF PROFESSIONALLY ORIENTED SUBJECT COMPETENCIES OF FUTURE DOCTORS USING TASKS. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (1), 36–43.