



STEM-education, educational technologies, methodological competence, medical education, professional development, scientific and pedagogical workers, teachers


The relevance of the research is determined by the growing need to implement educational innovations that meet the challenges of the changing present. The purpose of the research is to improve the methodological competence of scientific and pedagogical workers of medical institutions of higher education in the context of STEM education. Among the competencies (knowledge, skills) within the methodological competence of the teacher specific skills necessary for the introduction of STEM education technologies are defined in addition to traditional ones: to integrate knowledge from different disciplines expediently to the situation and educational material, to develop cases and project-oriented programs, to use modern information and communication technologies, to apply skills to work with different types of data. Among the educational technologies of STEM education, attention is focused on project-oriented, simulation, problem-based learning, 3D- printing, machine learning and artificial intelligence, telemedicine, robotics, information and communication technologies using a communication network of objects (Internet of Things). To develop the methodological competence of teachers at the first stage, it is proposed to organize multidisciplinary training courses and seminars on STEM education. The purpose of such events is to help teachers understand the concepts and principles of STEM education, get acquainted with innovative methods and approaches to teaching disciplines, practically develop the skills of using STEM teaching technologies and establish cooperation between different departments and faculties. At the second stage, it is advisable to plan specialized courses with a duration of 30 hours (1 credit), which are conducted by specially trained coaches from among the teachers of the educational institution. The conclusions highlight the benefits of engaging interdisciplinary integration in learning, mastering the practice of applying learning technologies and providing effective feedback to help students become competent, successful and sought-after professionals in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Ulishchenko, V., & Ulishchenko, A. (2024). ULISHCHENKO ANDRII. IMPROVEMENT OF METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCE OF SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS IN THE CONTEXT OF STEM EDUCATION. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 49–55. https://doi.org/10.32782/eddiscourses/2024-2-9