digital competence, blended learning, future dentists, healthcare professionals, digital competence, professional higher education, undergraduate dental educationAbstract
The publication is devoted to the issues of forming the digital competence of future dentists who are getting an education in the structural divisions of the Bogomolets National Medical University (Specialized Medical College and Faculty of Dentistry). The question of forming the digital competence of healthcare staf, namely future dentists, is quite relevant. In the period of quarantine restrictions and martial law, the main goal and task of training competent dentists is to train specialists who will have highly developed communication skills for communication with clients and employees, will be able to think critically, adapt to social and environmental changes, and actively use modern and new information technologies technologies, and will have professional and digital competence formed at a high level. The active development and application of digital technologies in practical activities and the use of interactive teaching methods provokes an update of the requirements and standards of professional training of future dentists in accordance with the demands of modern society. Based on the peculiarities of the provision of dental services in Ukraine and the level of complexity of modern digital equipment and technologies used, it can be stated that for future dentists two competences, professional and digital, are formed in parallel. Presentation of the “Conceptual reference framework of digital competence of health care workers and ensuring the development of IT culture, digital literacy (digital education), cyber security and cyber hygiene of health care workers” developed on the basis of domestic experience and international success in digitalization of the health care sector me (October 6, 2023) is an important step on the way to the formation of digital competence of future dentists. It has been established that for the formation of modern digital competence of future dentists, the work programs of educational disciplines need to be improved, and the list of selective components that influence the formation of an individual educational trajectory needs to be expanded.
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