



scientific society, charter, president, morphologist, Congress


All-Ukrainian public organization “Scientific Society of Anatomists, Histologists, Embryologists and Topographic Anatomists of Ukraine” (SS AHET of Ukraine) consists of scientists who study the structure of the human and animal body at the macroscopic and microscopic levels in normal conditions and after the influence of external and internal factors using correction and without it. This is an organization that unites Ukrainian morphologists by their scientific interests to exchange experience, scientific achievements, and information; for training and education of young specialists; to provide assistance to morphologists and provide comprehensive support for their professional growth and development as scientists. One of the important missions of SS AHET is the popularization of purely Ukrainian science in Ukraine and abroad, therefore the Society of Ukrainian Morphologists is a member of international morphological organizations. SS AHET of Ukraine has its history, which it is proud of and researches, and its outstanding personalities, which it remembers and honors. The main governing body of the Society is the Congress, which is held at least once every five years. In the period between congresses, the work of the Society is managed by the presidium headed by the elected president, the main document is the statute, the members of the Society have certificates. SS AHET consists of scientists who study the human body, adapting the results of experimental studies conducted on animals to its structures; and from morphologists who study the structure of animals. Despite the diverse interests and long distances between the members of the Society, they are united by a love of science, a desire to work and research, an interest in their work and the work of their fellow scientists, and a respectful and caring attitude towards Ukraine, which motivates development in accordance with its needs. This year, SS AHET of Ukraine celebrates its small anniversary, it turns 30 years old. It may be a short term for the company, but the volume of achievements is very large and indicates the presentability of SS AHET as a powerful source of intellectual scientific property of the State of Ukraine. The prospects and significance of the Society of Ukrainian Morphologists are evidenced by the reports and results of scientific research presented at the conferences and congresses of the SS AHET during its 30 years of existence. Despite the difficult situation in Ukraine, associated with the invasion of its territory by a terrorist state, morphological scientists continue their activities, supporting each other, actively participating in helping the armed forces of Ukraine, victims and members of society who have joined the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


Chaikovsky Yu.B., Raskaliei V.B., Raskaliei T.Ya., Pivtorak V.I., Shepitko V.I. History of the creation of the scientifi c society of anatomists, histologists, embryologists and topographic anatomists of Ukraine. World of medicine and biology. 2022; 4 (82): 256–9.

Аппельханс О. Л., Раскалєй В. Б., Яременко Л. М., Півторак В. І., Попадинець О. Г., Шепітько В. І. та ін. З історії конгресів Всеукраїнської громадської організації «Наукове товариство анатомів, гістологів, ембріологів та топографоанатомів України». Archive of Clinical Medicine. 2024; 29 (2): 89–95.

Актуальні питання анатомії, гістології, ембріології та топографічної анатомії: тези доповідей VI конгресу анатомів, гістологів, ембріологів та топографоанатомів України, м. Запоріжжя, 16–18 вересня 2015 р. 119 с.

VII конгрес Наукового товариства анатомів, гістологів, ембріологів та топографоанатомів України: програма VII конгресу НТ АГЕТ України, Одеський національний медичний Університет, м. Одеса, 2–4 жовтня 2019 р. 37 с.



How to Cite

Raskaliei, V., & Raskaliei, T. (2024). 30 YEARS SINCE THE FOUNDING OF THE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AHET OF UKRAINE. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (2), 24–28. https://doi.org/10.32782/eddiscourses/2024-2-5