didactic game, foreign students of higher medical education, health care specialistsAbstract
This work is dedicated to exploring the possibility of using gaming methods in the education process of foreign students pursuing higher medical education while studying the discipline «Medical biochemistry». Various methods were employed to achieve the research goals, including analyzing scientific literature from philosophical and psycho-pedagogical perspectives, utilizing the didactic game method, and conducting interviews with participants of the educational process. The research was conducted among second-year students of the specialty 222 «Medicine» in the english-language study format. The gaming method involved presenting selected test tasks from the database of the Unified State Qualification Exam Stage 1 Step 1 and the English language of professional orientation in the form of a didactic game using the resource quizizz.com. The surveyed group was offered two types of games: a «simulation» game directly contributing to the formation of leadership qualities, speed of logical thinking, and analytical reasoning, and a quiz game aimed at developing imagination and visual memory as well as deep understanding of the material. After a series of sessions using the didactic game, a short survey was conducted via the Google Forms platform to obtain feedback on the relevance and feasibility of using such gaming methods during the learning process. The analysis of the questionnaire data showed that foreign students pursuing higher education have a positive attitude towards such methods of learning. It has been demonstrated that foreign students pursuing higher education have their own age, psychological, and cultural characteristics that need to be directly taken into account during the development of methodological support relevant to the topics covered during the study of the discipline «Medical biochemistry». The didactic game, aimed at teaching, promotes the development of key skills in future doctors, particularly fostering the development of communication tools and memory, resulting in effective retention of information and the ability to apply it in practical situations.
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