


pharmaceutical education, Masters of Pharmacy, information technologies, digital learning tools, chemical disciplines


The pandemic Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine significantly affected the educational process and made considerable adjustments for both students and teachers. Since the beginning of the pandemic, students have switched to the distance learning format, and now, during the war, the mixed (auditory-distance) form became a priority for many higher education institutions. Taking into account the rapid development of information technologies in order to improve learning results, educators increase the level of motivation of students when studying various disciplines, including the discipline of the pharmaceutical profile, using both traditional and modern digital tools. Despite the widespread use of online learning services worldwide, there is still a need for better awareness of teachers in the latest educational platforms. This article characterizes and analyzes literary sources on interactive platforms Edpuzzle, Padlet, Kahoot, and Labster and the possibility of their use in pharmaceutical education, outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the above services, examples of their use in teaching disciplines of various profiles by scientists from different countries of the world. Special attention was paid to the use of these platforms in medical and pharmaceutical education. The given resources differ in their functionality and purpose but all of them can be used by teachers when preparing and conducting lectures, practical (laboratory-practical), seminar classes, etc. Edpuzzle, Padlet, and Kahoot digital services are universal, that is, they can be used for both theoretical and practically oriented disciplines. The Labster resource deserves special attention which is aimed at studying and better assimilation of material for natural/clinical disciplines due to the presence of a large number of virtual laboratories (simulations) that distinguishes it from other services. With the help of this platform, education seekers can improve their practical skills, which is especially important for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The issue of the correct adaptation of this or that digital tool to the needs of a specific discipline is a relevant aspect. Taking into account the results of the literature search, a scientific study will be conducted on the adaptation and effective use of these educational resources for chemical disciplines of the pharmaceutical profile and evaluation of their impact on student learning outcomes.


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