


open journal systems, publication, research competence, higher education applicants


The article is devoted to the aspects of using the publishing web-oriented system Open Journal System for the purpose of developing research activities of higher education applicants and publishing their scientific works in an electronic publication. In particular, the use of the considered web-oriented system is also relevant for the activation of research activities of students of higher medical education, since it will directly affect the formation of their creative, mobile, socially active, professionally competent personality, capable of self-development and self-realization. An analysis of the latest publications of domestic scientists on the use of modern cloud technologies, on their use, both for training and their use for dissemination, implementation and publication of scientific achievements, is carried out. Having analyzed scientific publications, we came to the conclusion that there is little emphasis on the process of processing scientific publications from the stage of acceptance to the stage of publication of the article on the website of the electronic publication, so it was decided to dwell on this aspect in more detail. Emphasis is placed on the work of the journal manager – the stages of his work from the acceptance of scientific work in an electronic publication to the publication of an entire issue with all accepted and peer-reviewed articles of an electronic journal are described. The advantages of using a web-based publishing system during its use have been allocated, that is, among the advantages are: efficiency of preparation for publication; uninterrupted access to the content of the electronic publication; access of several users to the publication; electronic view of the received materials for further work with them; It is quite convenient to search for materials of the publication, that is, categorical search, etc. The stages of the manager's work are described in detail on the example of the electronic student publication of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics of Mykhailo Drahomanov Ukrainian State University – «Information and Communication Technologies in Education», which is implemented using the publishing web-oriented system Open Journal System, where students present the results of their scientific research. It also provides detailed information on the number of publications per year in the electronic edition from the moment of its creation to the present day, which traces the dynamics of the publishing process in a positive direction, that is, the growth of scientific publications of higher education applicants several times. Publication of scientific works of higher education applicants with using the publishing web-based system OJS provides a wider contingent of authors and readers of the electronic publication, which promotes an active exchange of experience between them.


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How to Cite

Halytskyi, O., & Mykytenko, P. (2024). SOME ASPECTS OF USING THE OPEN JOURNAL SYSTEM FOR THE PUBLICATION OF STUDENT SCIENTIFIC WORKS. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (1), 3–9.