


language learning, interactive method, interactive technology, interactive class, pedagogical interaction, forms of teacher-student interaction, professional culture, medical communication.


The article actualizes the problem of organization and implementation of interactive forms of interaction in the ‘teacher-student’ system in the process of language training in a medical institution of higher education. The authors aimed to consider the problems of using interactive methods of language training for domestic students of medical institutions of higher education as a condition for successful interaction between the teacher and students in the educational process. The article presents interactive forms of pedagogical interaction with students, used by the authors in their pedagogical activities and tested during the teaching of the elective discipline ‘Interactive language practices in medical communication’ for domestic students of the II year at the Language Studies Department of the О.O. Bogomolets National Medical University. The study took into account the results of a student survey conducted in order to analyze the process of introducing the above-mentioned discipline into the educational process. Knowledge of the basic linguistic principles of professional communication at a level sufficient for the implementation of cognitive activities in the educational and professional sphere, and students' practical mastery of interactive learning tools for the study of modern Ukrainian medical discourse are defined as the goal of studying the specified discipline. It has been established that the effectiveness of interactive learning is largely due to the thorough methodical and methodological training of the teacher and, in general, the level of his professional culture, as well as the readiness of the students of higher education themselves to communicate according to the principles of educational cooperation in interactive education. The results of the course implementation gave reason to state that the technology of conducting classes in an interactive mode constitutes a complex and sequence of implementation within the course (series of classes) of various interactive methods with the aim of more optimal development of participants in the pedagogical process. The learning experience gained by second-year students during interactive language practices in medical communication will enable successful educational activities using appropriate methods and in the process of studying other professionally oriented disciplines.


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How to Cite

Lytvynenko, N., & Misnyk, N. (2023). ORGANIZATION OF TEACHER AND STUDENT INTERACTION DURING INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (1), 30–35.