


digital dentistry, digital competence, future dentists, healthcare professionals, artificial intelligence, 3D modeling


Digitalization of healthcare is not just a trend, but a necessity in the modern world. Electronic systems make medical data more accessible and secure. Telemedicine, as one of the key tools of digital healthcare, allows doctors to provide consultations remotely, which greatly expands opportunities for patients. Dentistry has traditionally been considered an area requiring direct contact between doctor and patient. However, the development of technologies, in particular telemedicine, opens up new opportunities for the provision of dental services and is an impetus for the development of digital competencies of future dentists at the training stage. While many manipulations require manual intervention, consultations, diagnostics, and even some types of treatment require digital solutions: digital images, treatment algorithms, process modeling. In addition, dental consultations can also be carried out remotely, which is especially important for patients who experience anxiety before visiting the dentist, the so-called “white coat syndrome.” Telemedicine allows you to create a calm, home-like atmosphere for a consultation, which significantly reduces stress. In addition, remote consultations can be especially useful for patients with limited mobility or in areas with an insufficient number of dentists, which is especially important in times of war. Dental treatment is becoming increasingly accurate and comfortable thanks to digital technology. The digital revolution is fundamentally changing dentistry. Modern imaging devices, such as intraoral and extraoral scanners, as well as cone beam computed tomography, allow for the creation of detailed 3D models of the oral cavity. Thanks to computer modeling and 3D printing technologies, dentists can develop individual surgical templates and prostheses with incredible accuracy and speed. Artificial intelligence (AI) has already taken its place both in creating accurate 3D models of teeth and jaws, which allows dentists to plan complex procedures such as implants, orthodontics, and prosthetics in detail, and in predicting treatment outcomes, such as how a smile will look after certain manipulations at different stages. Of course, the quality of these processes is impossible without mastering digital competence by future dentists already at the training stage, as the digitalization of the dental industry is very rapid and progressive.


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How to Cite

Palamarchuk, Y. (2024). SOME SOLUTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF FUTURE DENTISTS AT BOGOMOLETS NMU. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (4), 130–135.