innovative technologies, visualization, professional competencesAbstract
This article analyzes the use of some innovative technologies that, in the process of training, are able to ensure the formation of competencies necessary for a doctor in practical work. It was found that the use of problematic lecturespresentations, mental maps and the use of methods: solving situational problems, “brainstorming” are effective in the process of studying most topics of the subject “Medical Biology”. The peculiarities of the use of these methods are analyzed. It was established that their application needs to take into account the real level of students knowledge, their intellectual capabilities, as well as students understanding of the value and usefulness of what they study. It is shown what the greatest effectiveness of the method is, which provides an opportunity to visualize, systematize and assimilate large volumes of information about biological processes. It was established that the method of solving “problem situations” is the most optimal in studying the discipline. It provides an opportunity to combine theoretical training and practical skills, enables independent action and decision-making. The complex situations, that may occur in the work of a doctor, students analyze with the joint efforts of all team members, using the “brainstorming” method. The use of this methods forms in students the ability to establish logical connections, to develop basic cognitive processes and the formation of communicative competence, motivates personal growth and acquisition of new skills. The work gives an example of the use of mental maps, which allow you to structure information in a visual form. This form of organization of the educational process characterizes the level of students thinking and provides an opportunity to check the degree of assimilation of the studied material. The study of some other topics of “Medical Biology” required the involvement of videos and animations. Classes related to the basics of human genetics and the type of inheritance of some diseases were conducted using the Virtual Blackboard method. It was established that the use of innovative teaching methods requires their combination with classic traditional methods and will depend on the purpose of the lesson and the forms of organization of educational activities.
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