



medical and biological physics, problem-based approach, professional training, future doctors


The goal of the work is to develop a methodology for teaching problem solving in medical and biological physics based on a technological approach, and to create educational and methodological support for individual course topics in accordance with the constructed technological model. Methodology. The work presents the results of the implementation of the author’s teaching methodology for the professional training of future doctors by means of professionally oriented tasks. The acquisitions of scientists and educators in relation to specialist training systems, in which the leading role belongs to the task approach in the technological aspect, are analyzed. Scientific novelty. The proposed methodology for teaching problem solving in medical and biological physics based on a technological approach. The theoretical foundations of the organization of educational activities for solving problems in medical and biological physics on the basis of pedagogical technology has been justified. Separate topics of educational and methodological support were created and implemented into the educational process in accordance with the constructed model. Conclusions. Theoretically substantiated, developed and implemented methodology for teaching problem solving in medical and biological physics based on a technological approach, which has a sufficiently high didactic potential for achieving program learning outcomes and opens up new opportunities for modernizing the content of the subject in accordance with changes in diagnostic and treatment methods. A comparison of traditional problem solving technologies with technologies that correspond to the modern educational paradigm was carried out. The feasibility, role and place of tasks at different stages of professional training of a future doctor and at different stages of a training session in medical and biological physics were substantiated for: posing a problem, presenting new material, forming practical skills and abilities, checking the quality of knowledge acquisition, consolidating and generalizing material, developing creative abilities and forming a scientific style of thinking. Educational and methodological support for individual topics of the course in medical and biological physics was created and introduced into the educational process.


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How to Cite

Novikova, I., & Rudnieva, V. (2024). A PROBLEM-BASED APPROACH IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE DOCTORS. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (4), 108–118. https://doi.org/10.32782/eddiscourses/2024-4-17