questionnaire, doctors, postgraduate education, development, critical thinking, methods, technologyAbstract
The success of continuous training of doctors depends on the level of formation of their competence, development of critical thinking, creativity and ability for professional self-development. Therefore, the introduction of methods of critical thinking technology development in cycles of advanced training of doctors is an urgent methodological problem of modern higher medical education, as it allows to form a highly competent specialist. The purpose of the work is to establish the level of awareness of doctors at postgraduate training classes with the technology of developing critical thinking at the Kharkiv National Medical University by means of a questionnaire. The survey was conducted using developed questionnaires using Google Forms. 194 doctors took part in the survey. Statistical processing of the material was carried out in the environment of Microsoft Excel 2021 and Statistica 12.0 Trial Version for Windows. The results of the survey showed that 40.0% of respondents chose the options for defining critical thinking, which was evaluated by the highest score. The relationship between the type of professional development cycle and the number of points corresponding to the selected option was not established (p > 0.05). 78.3% of doctors were not familiar with the proposed methods of critical thinking. In most cases, doctors use active learning (57.73%) and analysis of scientific research and clinical evidence (54.64%). Almost all doctors indicated the ability to critically evaluate information. They are aware of the importance and necessity of mastering the methods of critical analysis and developing critical thinking in medical students. Thus, the conducted research allows us to state that doctors in postgraduate training do not have sufficient knowledge of critical thinking technology. At the same time, in their professional activities, most doctors use methods of active learning and analysis of problem situations. Doctors point to the importance and necessity of introducing the technology of developing critical thinking into the educational process of doctors in post-graduate training cycles.
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