Peer-review process

Preliminary review. Upon receipt of the article, it is examined for compliance with the formal design requirements (relevance to the journal’s scope, text formatting, abstract structure, references list, article intelligence, observance of scientific prose style, etc.) In addition, submitted materials are subject to plagiarism check. Upon a favorable result, the article is submitted for review. If there are any comments at the stage of primary control, the article may be rejected or sent back to the author for revision pursuant to the Requirements for Articles. 

Peer review. The goal of peer review is to improve the quality of scholarly articles published in the journal via evaluating papers by highly qualified experts.

Reviewers (both editorial board members and external ones) are domestic and foreign scientists who have relevant scholarly contributions.

Within two weeks, reviewers provide the editorial staff with reviews meeting the specific requirements signed with a conventional or digital electronic signature.

Editorial board review. After receiving a review, the assistant editor proposes an article for consideration by the editorial board which meets once a month and renders one of the following decisions via open voting:

- approve the article for printing without changes;

- return the article to the authors for revision with a subsequent repeated review;

- reject the article.

Further work with the article approved for publication is carried out by the editorial and publishing department of the research organization unit pursuant to the technological process of preparing the journal issue.

The editorial board decision is sent to the author(s). Articles to be revised are sent to the author listed first in the list of co-authors, together with the review, which contains specific recommendations for improving the article. Information about the reviewer is removed from the review before it is sent to the author. The editorial board guarantees reviewers’ anonymity.

The revised article is sent for re-review. In case of a repeated negative outcome, the article is rejected and not subject to further consideration.