


vocabulary learning strategies (VLS), medical English vocabulary learning strategies, English for Specific Purposes, Schmitt’s taxonomy


The paper aims at investigating the variety and frequency of vocabulary learning strategies employed by undergraduates of the medical faculty of Bogomolets National Medical University. It also explores whether the learners` choice of strategies correlates with their understanding of the “knowing a word” concept. In addition, the study addresses whether students do prefer different strategies for general and specific English vocabulary learning. To this aim, 86 first and second-year students, who are engaged in studying “English for Specific Purposes”, participated in the research. A 34-item questionnaire, based on Schmitt’s taxonomy of vocabulary learning strategies with some modifications, was used for data collecting. This tool also included spaces for learners to note any strategies not listed. The findings reveal that undergraduates mostly prefer strategies (some of the determination and cognitive types) to assist them in discovering word meanings, but these are less effective for long-term retention. Interestingly, participants usually use similar strategies either for general or medical English vocabulary learning. Some respondents specified the use of apps like Quizlet, Duolingo to improve memorizing new words. This reflects the growing role of modern technology in learning and the ongoing search for more effective ways to achieve goals. Nevertheless, there is a noticeable lack of interest in employing social and metacognitive strategies. It suggests that learners avoid taking full control over their learning, namely its process and progress. Positive evidence indicates that students understand the necessity to acquire multidimensional nature of a word. However, satisfactory perception of the concept “knowing a word” does not correlate with methods that students choose for grasping new vocabulary. This disconnect may explain why undergraduates struggle with mastering specific words. The pedagogical implications of the study highlight the importance of providing students with training in vocabulary learning strategies to enhance their awareness of strategy use and promote their autonomy. Based on the findings, this paper offers some recommendations for teachers of English for Specific purposes to support students and facilitate their learning.


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How to Cite

Naumenko, O. M., & Musiienko, L. M. (2024). INVESTIGATING ENGLISH VOCABULARY LEARNING STRATEGIES BY MEDICAL STUDENTS. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (4), 90–98.