


postgraduate education, pharmacy, attestation


Conditions of war time posed serious challenges for postgraduate education of pharmacists. The main task was to ensure continuous education in the context of war, especially postgraduate education. This required rapid adaptation of both legislation and the educational process, including the use of distance learning and digital technologies, which put forward new requirements for educational institutions. The pharmaceutical industry has faced new challenges due to the military operations in Ukraine. The absence of regular certification and qualification assessment of pharmacists may adversely affect the quality of pharmaceutical care provided to the population and the military. In response to these challenges, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has initiated the reform of pharmaceutical education. In particular, this will require a transition to a dual form of education and the establishment of training and production pharmacies. Adaptation of curricula to the conditions of war, use of international experience and introduction of distance learning should be key areas of reform. However, maintaining the appropriate level of qualification of specialists remains an important challenge. Ensuring the quality of education and certification is critical for the further operation of the pharmaceutical industry and maintaining the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The conclusions of the article emphasise the need for a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of postgraduate education of pharmacists through the introduction of innovative educational technologies, adaptation to new conditions and the use of international experience.


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How to Cite

Mykhailiuk, Y., Chemeryz, Y., & Sameliuk, Y. (2024). PROBLEMS OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION OF PHARMACISTS CAUSED BY THE EMISSIONS OF WAR. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (4), 87–89.