language training of foreign students of higher medical education, training of professionally oriented vocabulary by means of word formation, word formation competence, the principle of concentrism (concentric learning), concentric organization of language material, concentricAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of concentric (cyclical) language training in the aspect of formation of wordforming competence of foreign students of higher medical education in the process of assimilation of professionally oriented vocabulary. The authors aimed to single out the principle of concentrism from among the system of methodological principles for selecting the content of education and to clarify its main characteristics, considering that at the present stage, concentrism is one of the leading principles of the teaching methodology, in particular, the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. The specificity of many linguistic phenomena, in particular word formation (derivative studies), allows us to effectively use the principle of concentric organization of material, which was reflected in our programs on the Ukrainian language as a foreign language course, created at the Department of Language Training of the National Medical University named after O.O. Bogomolets. The proposed system of concentric organization of material on derivation has many advantages and can be an effective lever for updating the content components of the language education system of future foreign doctors. The concentric format of learning word formation and term formation becomes possible thanks to the “end-to-end” nature of the word-forming material. The mentioned methodology emphasizes the importance of a gradual, repeated introduction of the topic instead of a linear, one-time representation of the material. The development of lexical competence of foreign students using the potential inherent in the material on morphemics and word formation can become the most effective, according to the authors, in the case of placement of this language material in the form of study centers (cycles). According to the main stages of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language and in a medical institution of higher education (initial, main and final stages), three concentrations of professionally oriented vocabulary learning using the word-forming component are outlined: propaedeutic-motivational, informational-cognitive and analytical-modeling. At the same time, it becomes possible to implement the principle of concentrism in the process of drawing up educational programs, creating educational and methodological complexes and developing a system of exercises. The value of the principle of concentrism in the teaching of professionally oriented vocabulary by means of word formation consists primarily in the study of the material through repeated repetition of previously learned lexicalderivational units (derived word, affixal morphemes, complex word-forming units) with gradual addition, deepening and expansion of their content and functional meaning.
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