



elective course, competency-based approach, pharmaceutical education, chemical disciplines, pharmacy masters, individual educational trajectory


The article is dedicated to analyzing the experience of designing the content of the elective course “Inorganic Compounds in Pharmacy” in the context of modernizing the educational process in higher medical educational institutions. The primary focus is on the implementation of the principle of free choice of educational program components, which allows students to shape individual educational trajectories according to their own interests and professional preferences. This approach is aimed at supporting students in making informed and responsible choices regarding their educational paths, which becomes particularly relevant in the face of current challenges in medical education. The article thoroughly examines the scientific and methodological approach to developing the main components of the elective course “Inorganic Compounds in Pharmacy”. This approach not only involves traditional teaching of basic knowledge in the chemistry of inorganic compounds but also takes into account modern trends in pharmaceutical science, the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge, and the development of critical thinking and scientific analysis skills. The content of the course is designed based on principles of accessibility and practical orientation in education. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the chemical properties and reactions of inorganic compounds, their role in pharmaceutical processes, as well as the safety and environmental aspects of using such compounds in pharmacy. Special attention is given to issues related to the application of inorganic compounds in the development and production of pharmaceuticals, their interaction with biological systems, and their impact on the human body. The elective course is structured to meet the needs of modern students who seek to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry, as well as develop the skills necessary for their future professional activities. Given the importance of inorganic compounds in pharmacy, the course is aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the current state and future prospects of this scientific field. By introducing the elective course, students are given the opportunity to independently choose topics and research directions that align with their interests. This fosters deeper engagement with the educational material, increases motivation for learning, and enhances research skills. The described experience in designing the course content highlights the importance of individualizing the educational process in the context of modern medical education, as well as the necessity of constantly updating educational programs in line with the latest scientific and technological advancements. Thus, the elective course “Inorganic Compounds in Pharmacy” is a necessary element of the educational program, allowing students not only to gain essential knowledge but also to develop competencies that will be valuable in their professional careers.


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How to Cite

Zaitseva, G., Stuchynska, N., & Lysenko, T. (2024). EXPERIENCE IN INTRODUCING THE ELECTIVE COURSE "INORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN PHARMACY” FOR PHARMACY STUDENTS OF BOGOMOLETS NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY. Медицина та фармація: освітні дискурси, (3), 35–40. https://doi.org/10.32782/eddiscourses/2024-3-4