interactive learning methods, provision of remote access to knowledge, optimization of the educational process, mobile technologies, analysis of the effectiveness of e-learningAbstract
Actuality. In modern conditions, medical education in Ukraine is experiencing a period of active changes and transformations caused by both internal and global challenges. One of the key aspects of this process is the implementation of digital technologies in the training of future medical professionals. The purpose of the article: to investigate the role and effectiveness of mobile applications in the training of medical professionals in Ukraine. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Main material. The age of technology and knowledge, the growing need and demand for lifelong learning, as well as the beginning of military operations in Ukraine have led to the need to switch to electronic or distance learning. This form of education provides a flexible and personalized educational process. A separate form of e-learning is mobile learning, which is based on the use of portable mobile devices to acquire knowledge and skills anywhere and at any time. The main areas of implementation of mobile technologies in medical education include augmented reality applications, simulation applications, mobile survey, e-mail, video communication and webinars. Medical institutions of higher education in Ukraine currently use a variety of applications and platforms that provide access to current medical information and help prepare future specialists for professional activities. Interactive technologies, which play a key role in the training of future medical specialists, have become an integral part of modern medical education in Ukraine. Along with traditional methods of information transfer, such as lectures and presentations, interactive methods encourage future professionals to study independently, deeply understand the material, solve problems and collaborate with other learners. The main interactive technologies in medical education are virtual clinical scenarios, interactive video lessons, multimedia presentations, simulation simulators, briefings, and the method of cooperative groups. Conclusions. In general, mobile applications are effective tools for improving the level of knowledge and skills of future medical professionals. The implementation of interactive and digital technologies in medical education contributes to the personalization of education, adapting it to the individual needs of students. It also increases the effectiveness of self-education and stimulates the cognitive interests of future doctors.
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