internal system of education quality assurance; monitoring; progress; computer testing; students of higher education.Abstract
The article presents the results of a scientific study on the creation and functioning of the internal system for ensuring the quality of education at the Bogomolets National Medical University. Currently, the resolution of issues related to the creation of an internal system for ensuring the quality of education at the Bogomolets National Medical University is quite relevant. Since, in connection with the full-scale invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, the circumstances in which educational services are provided have changed. One of the elements of the system of internal quality assurance of education is computer testing on the LIKAR_NMU distance learning platform. Recently, at the Bogomolets National Medical University have been made transformational changes in order to provide high-quality educational services. Among them is the creation of an educational and scientific center for medical simulations, as well as an educational and scientific center for the administration of the educational process and monitoring of internal systems for ensuring the quality of education, in the structure of which the department of educational and methodological work of licensing and accreditation and the department of information technologies and distance education. Medical Faculty № 4 was reorganized into an educational and scientific institute of public health and preventive medicine, and the medical and psychological faculty into an educational and scientific institute of mental health. All these measures are dictated by today's requirements and a far-sighted view of the development of medical education. Computer testing is one of the means of monitoring the success of students of higher education and is used at all stages of education. In recent years, the effectiveness of computer-based testing as a method has been confirmed during preparation for integrated licensing exams KROK 1, English language for professional direction, KROK 2 and KROK 3. Thus, computer testing at Bogomolets NMU is defined as one of the constituent elements of the internal system of ensuring the quality of education.
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