informatics training, healthcare specialists, future masters of medicine, information and digital technologiesAbstract
The publication is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of informational training of future specialists in the health care industry in Ukraine. Achieving the aim of the research was ensured by the use of the bibliosemantic method for the analysis of scientific-methodical, psychological-pedagogical literature and normative documents on the research problem; method of system analysis for comparison and generalization of experience regarding information training in medical (pharmaceutical) universities; empirical methods – conversations and interviews of participants in the educational process. It has been found that the prerequisites for the formation of informational training of future masters of medicine are well-founded, however, as a pedagogical phenomenon, it goes into a constant process of transformation, which is connected with scientific and technical progress and unification with European standards, according to which is formed the training of higher medical education students. The analysis of historical origins and consideration of the content characteristics of the process of information training of future masters of medicine allows us to apply information training as a process of forming information and digital competence based on the study and use of tools and methods of informatics, information communication and digital technologies according to the principles of multilevel, continuity, professional orientation, and as well as compliance of the purpose, main tasks, content, organizational forms, methods, means and results of education with the achieved level and the needs of further scientific-technical, socio-economic and cultural development of society. It has been established that the informatics training of future masters of medicine should not be focused only on the familiarization study of a set of certain concepts or information and digital technologies, even the most modern ones, after their study is always limited by the cognitive ability of those seeking higher education, the possibilities of material and technical support of the educational process, and time frames.
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