distance learning, PhDs, teaching technologiesAbstract
This article describes the main technological features of organizing distance learning for future doctors of philosophy in the Healthcare. It is shown that since 2020, distance learning has been conducted in synchronous or asynchronous modes, or a combination of both to ensure a quality educational process. Emphasis is placed on the significant importance of asynchronous learning in the autumn of 2022, given the power and internet outages in the country. The primary technological components of distance learning for future doctors of philosophy in the Healthcare include tools for storing educational content and manuals, social networks and messengers, video conferencing tools, and Learning Management Systems (LMS). Based on the author’s own experience in teaching medical philosophy doctors in a distance format, it is determined that educational content was presented in the form of an electronic manual and an e-portfolio, along with a series of methodological guidelines for the educational material, online references, audio and video materials. To facilitate video conferencing, platforms such as Skype and Google Meets were used, taking into account the university’s corporate access to the Google network. Initially, the author also used the Facebook social network and FB Messenger for interaction; however, later, for the sake of unification of interaction methods and to avoid confusion, these networks were no longer used. To optimize the work, the university’s LMS platform based on MOODLE Neuron and LIKAR was used. It is considered worthwhile to conduct comprehensive research comparing the quality of distance and traditional education within identical time frames, as comparing the quality of education before and after 2020 may not accurately reflect the effectiveness of educational systems due to external and individual factors.
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